École Polytechnique is announced International scholarship opportunities to study in France. École Polytechnique, France offers multiple financial aid programs to support domestic & international students to fulfill their dreams of abroad study. This France Scholarships 2023 is one of the best opportunities to Study in Europe.
Ecole Polytechnique Scholarships 2023 in France | Study in Europe:
About Ecole Polytechnique:
École Polytechnique was founded in 1794, it is one of the top leading French institutes that offers world-class research, academics, and different innovation at the cutting edge of science and technology. The École Polytechnique is working on innovative ideas to produce excellent solutions that excel in leading different complex and innovative projects which address current and future challenges facing our society.
There are hundreds of international students from different parts of the world who are currently studying at Ecole Polytechnique for their Short courses, Bachelors, Masters, and Ph.D. degree programs in multiple academic fields and majors. It's a great opportunity for Ecole Polytechnique to Study in France with the international environment among different communities. Besides this, there are about 30,000+ world alumni as well as 100+ nationalities students at the campus.
About Scholarships and Financial Aid:
The École Polytechnique offers funded and fully funded scholarships programs every year to supports local and international students to finance their studies. Presently, École Polytechnique, France is offering two types of International Scholarships to pursue Undergraduate / Bachelors studies. They are offering merit-based and need-based scholarships on different criteria. It is a funded scholarship program. There are multiple academic fields and majors available. Students will study in the English Language.
Host Country: Study in France
Host University: The École Polytechnique, France
Scholarships Offered By: École Polytechnique Funded
Scholarships Coverage: Funded
Degree Level: Undergraduate/Bachelors Degree Programs in all Fields.
What are the benefits École Polytechnique Scholarship?
There are different types of École Polytechnique scholarships are available on the basis of academic excellence as well as need-based, all these scholarships are available Bachelors honor degree programs for worldwide students. There are different types of funding support as given below:
Merit-based Financial Aid
Excellence Scholarship
The École Polytechnique Foundation, France offers an International Excellence Scholarships program based on academic excellence to support the worldwide students up to €4,000 per year.
Women in Science Scholarship
The École Polytechnique Foundation also offers Women in Science Scholarships worth €4,000 per year in order to encourage and support our talented female students of the world in the scientific studies of the era.
Need-based Financial aid
Tuition Fee Waivers
The École Polytechnique always tries to support domestic and international students. They also offer tuition fee waivers scholarship that is purely based on students financial needs. Tuition fee waivers scholarship support from €1,000 to €11,000/€14,100 (depending on the students' personal tuition fees).
Interest-Free Loan Supported by École Polytechnique Foundation
The great news is that The Ecole Polytechnique is also offered interest-free loans for students to finance their studies and overcome their burdens. They are offering loans amounting up to €12,000 per year for the duration of the Bachelors Degree Program.
Living Cost Scholarships
They are also offering Living Cost Scholarship to a limited no of students according to their financial needs for living in France during the study period.
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What Degree Programs Offered By École Polytechnique?
Scholarships are available to pursue multiple 3 Years Bachelors / Undergraduate Degree programs in multiple fields.
Check The Available Degree Program: Here
What are the eligibility criteria for the École Polytechnique Scholarship?
Candidates must fulfill the following criteria to avail of this Scholarship for their study at École Polytechnique France.
- École Polytechnique accepting applicants from all over the world.
- The applicant must pass their high school/college studies to become eligible.
- Applicants must be admitted in any 3 years Bachelors degree in any subject offered by the Polytechnique School
- The Applicant must have a Good Academic record.
What Documents are Required for Apply?
All the required documents for application in the École Polytechnique Scholarship:
- The highest degree diploma verified with official stamps should be uploaded.
- Bachelors programs applicant: High School Diploma Degree
- Note: If the diploma is not in English, a notarized copy of a translation in English is required.
- The highest degree Transcript verified with official stamps should be uploaded.
- Bachelors programs applicant: High school transcript is required
- Note: If the diploma is not in English, a notarized copy of a translation in English or is required.
- Two recommendation letters (Recommendation Letters Templates)
- The letters of recommendation must be written by the applicant’s teachers/advisors/employers (who are able to evaluate your academic performance and research potential) in English.
- Research proposal
- Curriculum Vitae or resume.
- Photo
- Language Requirement: The applicant needs to fulfill the English Proficiency Rew
- Other reference documents (if applicable)
For more information - Visit HERE
What is the deadline for École Polytechnique Scholarships 2023?
Please visit the degree program, as the application deadlines for each program are in different rounds.
How to Apply for École Polytechnique Scholarships?
Students have to apply online in theÉcole Polytechnique Scholarships application portal. Applicants need to fill the admission application form and also fill the scholarship application form as well. To apply students can fill out the Online Application form here. The official announcement of the École Polytechnique Scholarships 2023 can also visit here.
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